In February 2024, Sedna the Porpoise was appointed as a full board member by the Dutch Rugvin Foundation, gaining a unique voice within the organization. The Rugvin Foundation has been conducting research on whale species in the North Sea and Oosterschelde (Estuary in the Netherlands) since 2005. Research results are used to protect these animals and their habitats, which is increasingly under pressure. Traditionally, the conservation efforts for this species have been approached primarily from a human perspective. Recognizing the need to shift this perspective, the Foundation made the groundbreaking decision to incorporate Sedna as a board member, aiming to amplify the natural voice of this porpoise and foster better understanding among people.
Acknowledging the practical challenges of this approach, the Foundation appointed board member Sandra Ploeg to serve as Sedna’s guardian and spokesperson. In this role, Sandra will advocate for the interests of Sedna and its peers in both internal and external discussions. Sandra, as the guardian, will actively participate in all board meetings. In situations requiring direct input from Sedna, the board will seek the perspective and opinion of Sandra, acting as a liaison between the foundation and the porpoise.
The Foundation states that “as a board, we have decided that we want to pay more attention to the global development of the ‘rights of nature’ by giving a voice to Sedna the porpoise, who will not only represent her peers on the board, but also the entire marine biodiversity in seas and oceans.” The Foundation aims for this to serve as a signal to the global community, encouraging empathy towards the universal rights of all animals to inhabit a world that takes them into account. Sedna is a porpoise that really exists and lives in the Oosterschelde.