On April 24, 2024, a ‘Rights for Nature’ motion was submitted to the Nijmegen city council in the Netherlands that calls for recognizing the rights and legal personality for Nature. The motion takes into account that “the recognition of rights for nature entails a society in harmony with nature, where people and nature form one inseparable whole with the ecosystem; Granting legal personality to nature can improve attention to and protection of our natural environment and stimulate innovative approaches to sustainability”
The motion calls on the city council:
1) To include in the environmental vision that Nijmegen recognizes that nature in all its life forms has rights and that its interests must be represented;
2) To include in the environmental vision that the interests of nature and nature reserves are always taken into account when new policy is formed and that these interests are made transparent in new council proposals;
3) Involve relevant civil society organizations, local experts and other stakeholders in the implementation of rights for nature;
4) Organize pilots and/or working groups that focus on the implementation of rights for nature.
The motion is deferred.