August 31, 2023 – For the first time, a court in Spain applies the Law of Legal Personality of Mar Menor (Law 19/2022 adopted September 30, 2022) that grants rights to the Mar Menor—thus treating this coastal lagoon as a legal person. The court case is investigating discharges from hazardous mining waste pools at the Los Blancos landfill into the coastal lagoon, thereby possibly violating the rights of Mar Menor. In accordance with the provisions of the Law, the court summoned Mar Menor’s Committee of Representatives to appear in the legal proceedings.
In the court order, dated August 31, 2023, the Judge informed the Mar Menor of its right to enter an appearance in the proceeding as a private prosecutor, and offered a civil action in order to claim its right to reparation of damages. The court order will be communicated to the Mar Menor Committee of Representatives, who are considered by the judge as Guardians. Following this court order, the Mar Menor representatives could act at this criminal case. The court order also offers actions to several NGOs (Greenpeace, ANSE, and SOS Mar Menor) and 7 city councils to appear and take action.