On June 2, 2022, the Municipality of Serro, Brazil adopted an amendment to “the Organic Law of the Municipality of Serro” that recognizes the rights of Nature. The amendment states that “the Municipality of Serro recognizes to Nature the ownership of rights to exist, prosper, and evolve, and must ensure to all members of the community, both human and non-human, of the Municipality of Serro, the right to a healthy and balanced ecological environment and the maintenance of ecosystem processes that are necessary to a quality of life, and it is up to the Public Power and the collective to defend it and preserve it to ensure for future generations of the Earth community.” (62). The amendment emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with Nature, with particular reference to the protection and recovery of the Cerrado and the Atlantic Rain Forest, especially on the banks of the rivers, to ensure their perpetuity and to protect them from mining companies (63).