On 17 October 2002 the Historical Claims of Te Uri o Hau were settled by way of the Te Uri o Hau Claims Settlement Act 2002. The Crown acknowledged that Te Uri o Hau has suffered injustices that impaired Te Uri o Hau’s economic, social and cultural development. It has also impeded their ability to exercise control over their tāonga (treasures) and wahi tapu (sacred sites) and maintain and foster spiritual connections to their ancestral lands. Te Uri o Hau Settlement Act recognizes the “Mauri” life force of different areas within Te Uri o Hau’s area of interest and how these areas are critical and connected to all things living for Te Uri o Hau. For example, the preamble states: “The mauri (life force) of Manukapua represents the essence that binds the physical and spiritual elements of all things together, generating and upholding life. All elements of the natural environment possess a life force and all forms of life are related. Mauri is a critical element of the spiritual relationship for Te Uri o Hau.”