Te Arawa Lakes Settlement Act 2006 enforced the Deed of Settlement 2004 which is the final settlement of all Te Arawa’s historical claims with the Crown, relating to 14 lakes that provided food, shelter, economic resources and primary transport for the Te Arawa people. Te Arawa is a large confederation of iwi and hapū from the Maketu to Tongariro regions of New Zealand with a population of more than 50,000 people. This document shows the Crown’s acknowledgment that Te Arawa value the Te Arawa Lakes and the lakes’ resources as taonga (treasured property), and the spiritual, cultural, economic and traditional importance to Te Arawa of the lakes and lakes’ resources. They recognize that the Te Arawa people state the environmental degradation of the lakes has affected the mana and wairua (life force and spirit) of the lakes for Te Arawa who have suffered as a result of the Crown’s acts and omissions that occurred prior to 21 September 1992. This final settlement is made up of a package that includes:
• An agreed historical account and Crown acknowledgments,
which form the basis for a Crown Apology to Te Arawa;
• Cultural redress, including the transfer of 13 lakebeds with
public access protected; and
• Financial and annuity redress.