The Ngāti Manawa Settlement is the final settlement of all Ngāti Manawa historical claims resulting from acts or omissions by the Crown prior to 21 September 1992. Ngāti Manawa are a central North Island iwi based in Murupara with strong customary associations over a large geographical area that includes the Kaingaroa Forest and with the upper Rangitaiki River. In the Act, the Crown acknowledges Ngāti Manawa’s connection to the Rangitaiki and Wheao Rivers and their tributaries which are regarded as taonga and tipuna with its own mauri (life force). At section (95) of the Historical Account, the Act states “Ngāti Manawa continue to regard themselves as kaitiaki (guardians) of the rivers.” By acknowledging this, the Crown is bound to consider these views when making decisions that relate to Ngāti Manawa’s statutory areas.