This National Policy Statement (NPS) sets out objectives, policies and implementation requirements to manage natural and physical resources to maintain indigenous biological diversity (indigenous biodiversity) under the Resource Management Act 1991 (the Act). Public consultation on the proposed National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) took place between November 2019 and January 2020. Decisions on the release of an exposure draft of the NPSIB will now be made in the first half of 2022. The exposure draft responds to feedback from submissions and hui and will help test the workability of updated proposals. At the heart of the proposed Policy Statement is the fundamental concept of Hutia Te Rito. It explicitly recognizes the interconnected and whakapapa (familial) relationship between indigenous biodiversity and communities; that people are part of and dependent upon, the natural environment and ecosystems; and our forests, shrublands, dune lands, indigenous vegetation, animals, invertebrates, birds and special places are essential to our wellbeing. In return, we have an obligation to care and protect our indigenous biodiversity as kaitiaki (guardians).